
Resolutions: A rare blog about me.

1. Read more: I've already completed step on of the 'read more' resolution by getting my library card. It's pretty exciting to have one again because I don't have to purchase books that I've wanted to read... and I have upwards of 14 days to a month to read them. Also, I'm still reading magazines and online media content daily--including ABC News and CNN.com and my various blogs of interest.

2. Exercise more: I'm well on my way with this one as well, as I'm examining my diet and I hear that is the first step. Also, I'm falling asleep at a more regular time and will attempt to make that a habit. I will be getting a membership to the local YMCA.

3. Volunteer more: I am going to throw myself into a cause this year and hopefully will benefit from the experience. I haven't taken the time yet to research a specific cause yet, but volunteering my time and energy is very important to me this year.
4. "Go Out" more: Just asking more, putting myself out there more, and getting more involved in the community. Each of those three things should give me more opportunities to "go out" with women. I shall see!

Sorry for the blog about myself! I don't usually post these!

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