
Independent Lens: "A Dream In Doubt"

"Watching Independent Lens... is like going into an independent bookstore--you don't always find what you were looking for but you often find something you didn't even know you wanted" - The New Yorker

A Sikh American faces and confronts hate crimes, xenophobia, fear and deep loss in the wake of 9/11. -Filmmaker Tami Yeager

Independent Lens, an Emmy Award-winning program released by PBS, gives independent filmmakers a forum for the stories they feel need to be told. It's pretty interesting that this show hasn't gotten the exposure of other similar shows. Though awarded Emmys for its production and story selection, Independent Lens is still 'below the radar' on the national scale. This Season's host is Terrence Howard and fans of cinema or passers-by can watch the show on Tuesdays at 10p.m. on PBS, or through Hulu.com. Please check this show out for yourself and see how independent filmmakers use this medium to share some very interesting stories that otherwise would have trouble being told.

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