
Jonah Nolan on The Dark Knight

My best friend was discussing with a few of us his take on the recent Academy Award Nominations, and his fervent opposition of the Academy's snubbing Director Christopher Nolan and the film The Dark Knight. Nolan redefined the comic book genre with his direction on The Dark Knight, which should have been considered for Best Picture for its gritty portrayal of the comic book world of Gotham City.

I'm very disappointed that neither earned the nominations that many felt they deserved. Christopher Nolan did an exceptional job on The Dark Knight and it has been considered by many as the best 'comic book movie' or 'super hero movie'. I believe that the collaborators on The Dark Knight are so excited to have been given so many awards from various Awards Ceremonies; however, my best friend felt that The Academy was wrong by not considering the success and overall phenomenon of The Dark Knight "Best Director" or Best Picture worthy.

Two days ago Jonah Nolan, Christopher Nolan's brother and a fellow scribe on The Dark Knight, wrote an open letter in direct response to The Oscar Nominations. He specifically wanted to clarify the importance of any nomination for a comic book genre film, and the gratitude he and his fellow Dark Knight collaborators felt for their 8 nominations:

hey — not sure who to address this to as it looks like a collective effort, but I just wanted to pass along my thanks.

It's truly humbling that you guys would take the time and effort to try to get the film recognized. I, like you, was disappointed that Chris didn't get some recognition this morning, but for Heath and so many of the people who worked so hard on this thing to get nominated is thrilling.
Any nominations for a comic book movie is a thing of beauty no matter how you slice it, and that takes the sting out a bit. Besides, I've been to the big show before, and, like any of these things, it's a little disappointing. Did you know it's not even an open bar once the show starts? At least this time I would have remembered to bring a little cash so I could buy myself a drink after losing.
The best part of this experience is seeing other people getting passionate about the film the way that we did. It has been a truly incredible experience. So thank you again.

jonah nolan

You know what? I think it was cool of Jonah to respond on an open forum, to kind of support the Oscar process and still show his support for his brother. Jonah, I salute you, and look forward to your next production.

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